28th June 2009
Hyperlinks in reports below are MP3 Files now...
Quick Update
23cm EME
2nd June
2136 K8EB O(-06)/RO(-11)... Erv now has a 5.5m dish (ex W2UHI)
21st June
0947 JT65c UT3LL O(-19)/RO
1146 CW DL3EBJ 559/579 for Initial #
27th June
1135 SSB VK5MC 56/55
1148 SSB VK3UM 56/56
1620 CW HB9MOON 599/579
1654 SSB PI9CAM 59/58
1805 SSB W1M(K1RQG) 58/58
1843 SSB OE9ERC 59/59
1914 CW SM6FHZ 569/569
2215 SSB PY2BS 55/55
2140 CW VE6TA 579/579
2145 CW W0C(K0YW) 579/579
2201 CW N0Y (N0OY) 569/579
28th June
1210 JT65c VK2JDS O(-19)/RO... the Moon was very low (<7 deg) so ground noise
was limiting RX performance
1236 SSB VK3UM 55/55
1244 SSB F2TU 55/56
1354 JT65c RD3DA -11/R-06
1432 JT65c PA3FXB -13/R-11
1443 JT65c G4DDK -16/R-15
1835 SSB CT1DMK 42/55
1901 CW W5J (K5JL) 589/579
13cm EME
No activity to report this month
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