30th May 2009
Hyperlinks in reports below are MP3 Files now...
Quick Update
23cm EME
European EME Contest (Dubus & REF) - 30th
& 31st May
I operated for a few hours in the contest and made 17 CW QSO's, activity was
fantastic with some very strong signals.
Here's the log:
1432 JA6CZD 569/559, 1437 JA6CZD # 579/569 very nice signals Marko, 1501 UT5JCW
559/579, 1506 RK3WWF 559/559, 1531 MI/DL1YMK # and DXCC thanks Michael for a
great job, 2036 OZ4MM 589/569, 2040 SP6JLW 579/569, 2044 G3LTF 579/579, 2049
DF3RU 569/559, 2056 NY2Z 559/559, 2103 IQ4DF 589/539, 2118 ON5RR 559/559, 2123
F2TU 589/579, 2127 OK1KIR 569/569, 2133 G4DDK 549/559, 2219 WA6PY 569/569 and
2238 K1RQG 589/589.
Also heard were DL3EBJ and IZ2DJP in QSO, both
would have been Initials if we had found each other.
13cm EME
I put the 13cm feed back in the dish on Sunday
26/04, but didn't get everything going again till Wednesday.
My system on 13cm is - 5.4m dish, round septum feed, 250W SSPA (150W at the
feed), G4DDK LNA 0.36 dB NF.
I can RX on 2301 and 2304 as well as 2320. My 2302/2304 solution at the moment
is the synth, mixer and front end of a commercial transceiver, it converts the
IF out from my DB6NT tvtr to 28MHz. Switching is a bit clumsy and slow, so some
work to here… there has to be a better way, hi!
Unfortunately I still can’t RX on 2424 yet, and would be interested to hear what
other people are doing before I start work on this.
I had great fun over the last few days, and added a few more initials and a
first in my log - thanks to LZ1DX, G4DDK, LA9NEA and OK1DFC, and everyone else
who turned up.
# = Initial
* = Cross Band 2320/2304
+ = Cross Band 2320/2301
Prior to the contest I worked:
29th April
G4DDK# 539/549, DF9QX 559/559, SV3AAF 569/559, ES5PC R-10/-12 JT65c, 1919
LZ1DX# RO/O JT65c, G4DDK# RO/O JT65c, 2000 LZ1DX# RO/O CW.
I believe the QSO with LZ1DX is the first G to LZ on 13cm. Ned has a 2.4 m dish,
septum feed, G4DDK LNA and apparently 400W, but at the time of the QSO had some
problems with connectors.
30th April
1243 HB0/DF1SR# 559/549, G4DDK -17/R-17 JT65c, and LA9NEA# 559/539
HB0/DF1SR was also QRV on 13cm Liechtenstein last year, and I'm sure G3LTF must
have worked them, but can't be sure without asking him.
1st May
G3LTF 579/579, G4DDK 549/549, LZ1DX 449/449, LZ1DX RO(-19)/O JT65c, WD5AGO*
559/559, and OK1DFC# 559/559
European EME Contest (Dubus & REF) - 2nd & 3rd May
I managed to work the following stations in the contest:
Also heard - VE6TA*, NA4N*, W7BBM*, VK3NX+, DL4MEA, F6BKB on JT65c, DF9QX,
Thanks again to all for the fun, and the QSO’s.
25th May
1551 CW ES5PC 579/569
1621 JT65c PA3DZL RO(-21)/O for Initial #
26th May
0908 CW MI/DL1YMK 559/559 for Initial # and DXCC
You can find more details of my Initials and standings
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