31st August 2008

Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at  www.real.com ... more clips to add later 

Quick Update


3rd August
1418 JT65c UE6YYY RO(-23)/O in LN04 for Initial and Grid... Vitaly was using a 3.7m dish and 70W at the feed
1432 CW DF3RU 569/559
1603 JT65c W7UPF -16/RO
1621 CW SV3AAF 569/559
1642 JT65c RD3DA R-11/O... I was -7dB best with Yuri.

4th August
0855 JT65c VK2JDS R-24/O in QF46PV for Initial and Grid... Dave has a 4.6m dish and 65W,  and should be workable on CW

16th August
2118 JT65c UT3LLRO/O
2132 JT65c UT5JCW R-16/O
2138 JT65c M0DTS RO/O

22nd August
2219 JT65c M0DTS -18/RO
2255 CW OE5JFL 569/559... from his new EME beacon system via WLAN, see his Internet Controlled 23cm EME Beacon

23rd August
0750 CW SM5LE 559/559
0828 JT65c RK3WWF R-18/O... 2.1m dish and 100W


24th August

0612 CW SP6GWN 559/559
0640 CW GW3XYW 549/539 in IO71 for Initial, Grid and DXCC... 3m dish and 120W
0906 CW DF9QX 569/539 for Initial, Grid and DXCC... 3m dish and 200W
1050 CW G3LTF 579/579
1103 CW SM3AKW 559/559

25th August
1240 CW NA4N RO/O for Initial and Grid... Took almost an hour to complete due to the wind at my end, but we made it... thanks Greg

31st August
1209 CW SP6GWN 559/559
1228 CW PA0BAT 559/549
1251 CW GW3XYW 549/539
1304 JT65c GW3XYW R-20/-20... Stu was -18 best with his 3m dish and 120W SSPA.

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