29th December 2007

Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at  www.real.com ... more clips to add later 

Quick Update

16th December
1250 CW SV1BTR 569/549 for # Initial, thanks Jimmy and welcome to 23cm EME... 3.6m dish, Septum Feed with Choke, TH327 PA currently 350W at the feed, more details later.

18th December
2148 CW K1RQG 589/589, 2153 CW K9SLQ 599/589, 2201 CW K5SO 599/589, 2215 CW SM5LE 549/549 and 2248 JT65c SM5LE -11/O(-10)... 2.2m dish and 250W.

19th December
1821 CW LA5ZK 559/559 for # Initial... Helge is using a 3.7m dish and 150W, 1931 JT65c LA5ZK O/RO, 2993 RD3DA -10/RO(-06) and 2308 CW K2EY 559/559 ... thought Dick was an Initial, but found out later that was working from W2DRZ.

21st December
2245 CW K5JL 589/589, 2302 CW PA0BAT 559/559 and 2336 CW VE6TA 579/589.

23rd December
2123 JT65c PA3FXB -11/R-09, 2145 JT65c SM4LE -14/R-11... improved to -11/R-10, 2154 CW F1PYR O/RO and 449/539... Andre has a new 3.5m dish and 100W, 2242 CW SM5LE 559/559, 2253 SSB G3LTF 56/56... nice chat!

  F1PYR - New 3.5m dish and Round Septum Feed... Beautiful!  

24th December
0041 CW K5JL 589/599, 0055 CW N0OY 569/579, 0103 CW VE4SA 559/44 and 0115 CW VE3KRP 539/569.

26th December
1947 JT65c VK7MO R-15/-13 and RD3DA JT65c -09/R-05... Yuri was -07 best.

27th December
0708 JT65c OA4BHY O/RO for Initial, DXCC and Grid... Bodo DL3OCH's expedition to Peru, with only approx 50W (low ac voltage) to 5m long 59 element yagi.

2047 JT65c VK7MO -25/R-21... only 3 deg elevation at my end, 2103 JT65c RD3DA R-10/-08 and 2158 PA3FXB R-13/O(-13).

29th December
2312 JT65c VK7MO -29/R-24... started at 2.5 deg elevation at my end, and 50% of the dish blocked by his house at Rex's end. Rex continued sending CQ until 0010, at which point I lost him... his signal peaked at -19 with me as the Moon was rising, unfortunately no takers.

  VK7MO - Rex's shot at the Moon during our QSO. The Moon is setting to the left.   G4CCH - My shot at AZ 101 EL 8.5 deg, about 40 minutes after our QSO. The Moon is rising from the left, and in the clear above the houses and street lights  


You can find more details of my Initials and standings here


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