31st October 2007
Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at www.real.com ... more clips to add later
Quick Update
7th October 2007
0902 CW SM3LBN 569/569... also heard Hakan calling LA9NEA on SSB, 0924 CW G4RGK
559/559, 0936 SSB GW3XYW 55/55, 0945 CW LA9NEA 579/569, 0955 CW PA3DZL 559/449,
1030 JT65c GW3XYW -11/R-11, 1117 JT65c DK3SE O(-14)/RO(-17) and 1323 CW WB2BYP
Also heard F2TU and SV1OE.
21st October
Did some tests with ES5PC using the new WSJT experimental JT4 modes in version
5.9.8. For more information about this from K1JT read
1944 JT4d ES5PC -08/R-08
2006 JT4c ES5PC -16/O(R-15)... indicated levels are much lower than in JT4d
2012 JT4b ES5PC -15/R-15... indicated levels are much lower than in JT4d
2021 JT4a ES5PC NIL/NIL... no decode either end but levels were -08/-06
2028 JT4g ES5PC -07/0(R-08)
We both noted a very high useage of RAM by this version of WSJT... some 31Mb
22nd October
Another test with JT4
2118 JT4f ES5PC -5/R-06
23rd October
1753 CW SV1OE 559/559 and 51/51 on SSB... Costa has a 3m dish, Septum Feed and
SV1OE - Polar Mounted 3m dish with Septum Feed | ||||
Also tested with F6AQI, Jean-Claude has a 3m dish and Septum feed. He is new to EME and is currently RX only, hopefully he will be fully QRV soon.
F6AQI - 3m dish and Septum Feed | ||
2140 CW SM4DHN 589/579
24th October
1940 CW ON7UN 589/579, 1955 JT65c DK3SE O(-12)/RO(-13)
25th October
1935 CW SP7DCS 549/569, 2008 JT65c -16/R-13 and 2049 CW SM5LE 549/449
26th October
1958 JT65c SM5LE R-13/-12, 2014 CW SM5LE 559/559 and 2020 CW RA3AQ 579/579 for
CW/SSB... Dmitry is using a 2.4m offset feed dish, and 500W...
great signal... BUT from RW3BP Sergey's QTH, so NOT Initial
ARRL EME Contest 27th & 28th October
Score so far 64 x 32 on CW/SSB plus a few more
on JT65c
The final leg of the contest was on 24th and 25th November - see my
full report for more
30th October
0936 JT65c PA3FXB O(-11)/RO(R-11)
2235 JT65c PE1HNG RO(-17)/O(-15)
2257 JT65c M0DTS O/RO for initial and grid... This was Rob's first 23cm EME QSO,
he has a 2m dish, Septum Feed and approx 35W at the feedpoint.
M0DTS - 2m Dish and Septum Feed | ||
I was also copied by SM0FOB on JT65c at -14...
Kjell has a 1.8m dish and 0.5dB LNA
SM0FOB - 1.8m dish and Patch Feed | ||
31st October
Tests with VK7MO to check autodoppler tuning for his Icom IC910 and the new
experimental modes JT4 and JT2
2144 JT65c VK7MO -29 to -15 / R-19 to R-15... long test from my Moonrise
2211 JT4a VK7MO R-14/-13... first time success with JT4a on 23cm EME
2219 JT2 VK7MO NIL/NIL... -15 but no decode either way
2251 JT65c PE1HNG RO(-25)/O
You can find more details of my Initials and standings