30th September 2007

Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at  www.real.com ... more clips to add later 

Quick Update

29th August
0457 CW WA5WCP/7 in Wyoming RO/O for Initial, Grid and US State... Paul's signal was a good 559 despite the Moon being very low at my location.
0508 CW WA6PY 569/569, 0514 CW VE6TA 579/579.

1st September
I had hoped to be on for Moonrise the previous evening... unfortunately the cable to my elevation jack got snagged on the tower and became disconnected from the jack. It was quite windy too, and although I managed to repair the problem, decided to park the dish and start again the following morning... hopefully with less wind. Signals seemed above average for the whole pass.

0455 CW I5MPK 569/579, 0514 CW WA5WCP/7 in Utah 559/569 for Initial Grid and US State, 0537 CW SM5LE 559/559, 0612 CW G4DZU 559/559, 0647 JT65c DK3SE RO(-11)/O, 0700 CW OK1KIR 569/579, 0710 CW SP6JLW 569/559, 0724 CW WW2R 559/559, 0830 CW W5LUA 579/569, 0857 JT65c EA3DXU RO/O(-18 best) with 2 x 35el M2 yagis and 80W, and 0926 JT65c WW2R RO(-12 best)/O.

Also heard were DL4MEA 569, K9SLQ 599, SV1OE 569, F2TU 589, W2DRZ 569, AL7RT 569, WA6PY 569, and apparently I missed UA3MBJ on CW... I will be looking for Nik on the next pass.

2049 CW VK4AFL 569/579, 2105 CW JA4BLC 569/559 and 2119 JT65c ES5PC -10/R-10. Also heard VK3UM briefly.

2nd September
I had planned to be up earlier... like 0500z, but overslept.

0702 CW OK1DFC 579/579, 0754 CW DK3SE 549/519, 0820 JT65c SM5LE -11/O(-10), 0832 CW SM2CEW 569/569, 0920 CW ES5PC 569/569, 0940 SSB DL4MEA 56/55... nice signal Guenter, 1007 CW K9SLQ 599+/599... Wayne was super loud! and LA9NEA 569/569.

Also heard WB2BYP but didn't get a chance to work him.

4th September
0615 CW K1RQG 589/589... good to hear Joe again, and loud, 0850 CW WA5WCP/7 in Idaho RO/O and RST 559/569 for Initial Grid and State... many thanks Paul for a great expedition, 0937 CW SM5LE 559/559, 0946 CW K5SO 589/579, 0958 CW ES5PC 569/569, 1008 CW DF3RU 569/569, 1020 CW KL6M and 1128 SSB F2TU 56/55.

Also heard were K5JL, G4DZU, OK1DFC, RW1AW, OZ4MM and DJ9YW.

5th September 2007
0834 CW PA3CSG 579/569, 0917 CW SM5LE 559/559 and 1046 CW WB2BYP 559/529

Also heard W2DRZ and WA5WCP testing with QRP using only his driver after a failed water pump toasted his PA.

ARI XIV Italian EME Contest - 8th & 9th September

Good activity this time, especially on the first day, and great to see some new stations active on 23cm EME for the first time.
I managed to make 40 QSO's and added 4 initials.... thanks to all who came on and made it so much fun.
Unfortunately I missed a few, heard but not worked were: VK3UM, ON7UN and K0YW... big guns, so should have been easy!

8th September
YL3AG - Initial, grid and DXCC
K0ALL - Initial, grid and US state. Ron has a 12ft trailer mounted dish, Super VE4MA feed and 100W.
VE3KRP - Initial and grid

9th September
SM5LE dupe
SP7DCS - Initial and grid. Chris has a 3m dish, RA3AQ improved septum feed and 150W at the feed.

YL3AG - JT65c, some difficulty with decoding due to frequency drift, but completed RO(-22)/O
YL2HA - JT65c (same as YL3AG?) RO/O

22nd September
1908 CW OK1DFC 559/559 and 2000 CW I5MPK 559/579.

27th September
1932 JT65c RD3DA -9/O(-6)... Yuri was -7 best, 1950 CW SM3LBN 569/569, 1956 SM5LE 559/559, 2003 CW SP7DCS 559/559, 2049 CW G3LTF 579/579... best ever sigs from Peter! and 2233 CW GM3SBC RO(439)/519.

28th September
1850 CW SP6JLW 549/559, 1900 CW SM5LE 549/559, 2142 CW YL3AG 559/539, 2205 CW G4DZU 569/569, 2213 SSB SP6JLW 55/55... nice ssb sigs.

29th September
0501 JT65c RD3DA R-7/O(-6), 0508 JT65c G4DZU -13/RO(-10), 0518 JT65c VE7BBG -14(-11 best)/R-07, 0549 CW LA9NEA 579/569... very nice sigs from Viggo, 0637 PA3DZL R-12/O(R-12 best) and 0709 CW AL7RT 559/559.

1913 CW VK3UM 569/569, 1932 CW SM5LE 559/559.

2000 to 2040 JT65c test with JH0TOG... Yoshida copied me -22dB best with his 1.8m dish and Septum feed, but his 10W was not enough for me to see any trace of him. Yoshida has a 60W SSPA, but does not have a high power licence yet.

  JH0TOG - 1.8m dish with Septum Feed      

2124 JT65c JA6AHB RO(-9 best)/O, 2155 SSB OK1DFC 55/55.

2313 JT65c OK1TEH RO/O for Initial... After a few tries, we finally made it. Matej was using a WiFi dish with 17dBd gain, ring feed (linear polarised) and 120W pep.

  OK1TEH - WiFi dish with ring feed  

30th September
0732 CW I5MPK 569/579,  0816 CW AL7RT 569/569.

2026 CW VK4AFL 569/569, 2126 CW SM5LE 559/559 and 2146 SSB/CW split mode SM5LE 559/44.

You can find more details of my Initials and standings here


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