30th December 2006

Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at  www.real.com ... more clips to add later 

All contacts are on CW unless otherwise stated.

Quick Update

1st December (AW)
1849 - 1854 OH3MCK O(-17)/R-17 on JT65c
1935 - 1943 ES5PC -10/R-7 on JT65c
1945 - 2010 Test with SM7GVF on JT65c did not complete... I saw 3 overs from Kjell -27dB best, but he never found me.

2013 W7BBM 55/55 on ssb, 2352 W7UPF 559/569

2nd December (AW)
0050 W5LUA 569/569, 1539 VK3UM 579/559 and 1603 G3LTF 569/569.

1620 - 1651 Test with UA3MBJ on JT65c did not complete... Nik has improved his power to 100W, but I saw no trace of him. He copied me -26dB
1657 - 1705 SM5LE -15/R-14 on JT65c

1729 IW2FZR 569/579, 1802 PA3DZL 559/539, 1818 SM5LE 559/559, 2046 IK3COJ 559/569, 2054 LA8LF 579/579 and 2138 LA9NEA 569/569.

4th December
1913 - 1919 SM5LE R-14/O on JT65c
2003 - 2015 PA3DZL R-14/O (-13) on JT65c
2027 - 2047 GM3SBC R-20/O (-21) on JT65c, for Initial DIG# 16... This was Ed's first 23cm EME QSO using 125W and a 1.8 m dish

  GM3SBC with his 1.8 m Dish   Patch feed and H/B LNA  

2147 - 2157 GM3SBC -18/RO on JT65c
2201 - 2208 PA3DZL -16/R-15 on JT65c

5th December
2327 - 2349 GM3SBC -18/RO(-22) on JT65c... 1.8 m dish and 125 watts.

6th December
2043 - 2051 PA3DZL -14/R-13 on JT65c
2052 - 2057 G4RGK -20/R-14 improved to -18dB on JT65c.
2101 - 2106 PA3FXB -10/RO(-14) on JT65c.
2115 - 2121 DL7YC -20/RO on JT65c.

8th December
0915 - 0923 PA3DZL -13/R-15 on JT65c.
2135 VK3UM 579/569 and 2150 VK3UM 55/53 on SSB.

9th December
0748 - 0802 VE7BBG -16/O on JT65c... Cor improved to -14dB during our QSO
0839 - 0847 RD3DA RO(-24)/O(-25) on JT65c... nice QSO with Yri again on his Moonset with his 2m dish and 30W

1013 - 1039 F6FHP O(-23)/RO(-25) on JT65c, for Initial DIG# 17... This was Joel's first 23cm EME QSO. He was using his tropo setup -  single 55 el yagi, no elevation, 500W and his LNA in the shack. 


2240 - 2252 G4RGK O(-21)/R-18 on JT65c
2309 - 2314 ES5PC -07/R-06 on JT65c

2350 VK4TL 559/549.

10th December
0008 G4RGK 549/559 and 0822 LA9NEA 569/559

0901 - 0907 RD3DA -24/RO(-21) on JT65c... 30W and 2m dish, no elevation.

24th December
1352 IW2FZR 569/569 and 1718 K9SLQ 589/589,

27th December
1543 - 1603 GM3SBC -21/O(-23) on JT65c... much weaker than prevously, turns out that this was due to a 6 deg error in azimuth readout.

2135 IW2FZR 569/579 and 2152 IK2MMB 569/569.

28th December
1733 - 1757 GM3SBC -17/O(-19) on JT65c
2118 - 2128 IK2MMB R-08/O(-08) on JT65c
2156 - 2205 PA3FXB R-11/O(-11) on JT65c

30th December
1240 - 1316 VK7MO -11/R-11 best on JT65c... best ever reports with Rex, 2.2m dish and 100W

1657 IK3COJ 559/559

1713 - 1721 PA3DZL R-13/-14 on JT65c

2150 K9SLQ 589/589, 2158 K5JL 589/579 and 2302 NA4N 559/559. Also called WB2BYP after his QSO with K2UYH, but no reply.

0147 Copied W4/DL3OCH in JT65c test/QSO with K2UYH... Bodo was -22dB while testing equipment for C6ARI expedition starting next week.


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