26th August 2006
Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at www.real.com ... more clips to add later
All contacts are on CW unless otherwise stated.
Quick Update
11th August
2239 SM5LE RO/O and RST 549/449, 2328 OH3MCK on JT65c O/RO -16 best/-17dB...
Petri copied my free text messages down to 50W with his 4 x 67 el yagi array.
12th August - AW
0553 LA9NEA RO/O and RST
549/539... Viggo was using a his 2.4m stressed dish and 500W, 2130 SM5LE O/RO,
2210 heard ON4BCB testing in "beacon mode" 569, Walter hopes to be ready for
QSO's soon.
2310 OH3MCK O/RO -16 best/-15dB on JT65c... Petri copied me down to 50W at -24dB with WSJT 5.9.5, but nil copy at -25dB andlower.
2347 JA6AHB 559/559.
13th August
0038 OH3MCK on JT65c... another test to try andfind the limits of decoding with
WSJT 5.9.5 in deep search mode, the limit was again -24dB, trying to understand
WA5WCP/1 from RI New England
RO/O for Initial CW#228... Paul was easily 559 solid copy with his 10ft dish and 300W, for more
details check his
expedition website.
0550 ZS6AXT 569/579, 0616 OK1KIR 569/569, 0630 DL1YMK
569/569, 0636 G3LTF 569/569, 0645 KØYW 589/589 and 56/56 on ssb, 0708 ON7UN
589/579, 0720 LA9NEA 549/549 and 0844 VE6TA 579/569... fb signals from Grant.
2238 SM5LE RO/O -16dB best on JT65c, 2248 OH3MCK RO/O -17dB best on JT65c.
14th August
0026 JA6AHB RO/O -7/-8dB on JT65c, 2228 VK4AFL 569/559.
2321 G4HUP O/RO -19/-15dB
on JT65c for Initial DIG#8... Dave's 1st JT65c QSO on 23cm, with 2.4m dish and
125W at the feed.
15th August
0648 SM5LE 559/559... very good signals from Sven today.
0808 W1AW/1 from CT
O/RO for Initial CW#229... nice signals again from Paul, 0836 WA6PY 579/569,.
0900 G4HUP 549/539... some QSB
but very good signals from Dave.
18th August
I had to go out this morning, and got back around 1200z… I expected to hear
WA5WCP/1 from VT and very little else so late in my window… Thanks to Sergey
RW3BP, I was wrong.
Here’s the log:
1225 WA5WCP/1 O/RO from VT – Paul was 549 on peaks, for Initial CW#230
1245 to 1250 RW3BP RO/O and -10dB best on JT65c with 150W and 2.4m dish –
1334 to 1349 RW3BP -18/-22dB after we both reduced power to 30 watts
Then the real surprise:
Sergey asked me to listen for RD3DA after our QRP QSO earlier. I had already
seen traces of signal in SpecJT at -28 to -29dB and thought Sergey had reduced
power further… after 3 attempts I started getting decodes from RD3DA and we were
all done in a few minutes – GREAT SURPRISE!
1356 to 1403 RD3DA O/RO and -27 best on JT65c for Initial DIG#9
RD3DA - Yuri’s station is 2m dish, short VE4MA feed, 35W SSPA at the dish, NO ELEVATION – tropo system |
At this time Yuri had about 7 deg of Moon elevation. |
19th August
0838 GW3XYW RO/O -12dB best on JT65c, 1128 SM6CKU 569/569, 1332 K9SLQ 589/589
and 1343 KØYW 589/589.
I also tried again with RD3DA, but found it very difficult to find Yuri in the noise on specJT. The Moon was only 5.5deg elevation with Yuri when we started, he also had bad wx and thunderstorms nearby. I think I saw traces at -29 to -31dB, but no decodes. Hopefully, we can repeat our QSO in the near future...
20th August
0730 SP6JLW 549/559... 2.5m dish and 250W, 0737 OE9ERC 589/579, 0759 SM5LE
0924 WA5WCP/1 from MA
O/RO for Initial CW#231... Paul was easy copy in 2.5kHz and RST 559.
0953 ON7UN 589/579, 1050 NA4N 559/579.
1102 OK1KIR RO/O -7dB best on JT65c.
1111 G4DZU RO/O and -11dB best on
JT65c... G4CCH 350W and 5.4m dish, G4DZU 400W and 3m dish.
I noticed aircraft reflections not just on the direct path signal from Doug but
also on the signal received off the Moon.
Direct Path signal from G4DZU - notice aircraft reflection on the right | Moon signal from G4DZU - also includes aircraft reflection |
1146 G4DZU RO/O and -17/-22dB on JT65c...
reduced power test - G4CCH 25W, G4DZU 100W.
1357 WW2R O/RO and -13/-9dB on JT65c.
1543 to 1547 RD3DA O/RO and -26/-22dB.
Here's what Yuri got from me, the Moon was only 4.5 deg elevation during our QSO |
26 August
1647 to 1651 RD3DA RO/O and -27/-23dB... many thanks Yuri.
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