30 January 2005
Hyperlinks in text below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at www.real.com ... more clips to add later
23 January
0051 VE6TA 559/559, 0059 PY5ZBU 569/559, 0127 W7BBM 55/55 on SSB... much louder
now with 200W, 0140 NA4N 559/559 and 0156 DF3RU 569/559.
22 January
2000 SKØUX 569/569, 2010 OZ4MM 579/559, 2023 F1ANH 559/559, 2217 LA8LF 569/569
and 2239 WB5AFY 559/569.
21 January
2230 G3LTF 569/569, 2244 K5GW 589/579, 2306 MA4N 549/569, 2314 LA9NEA 549/559,
2327 N2UO 559/559 and 2338 W5LUA 569/559.
16 January
1942 W9IIX 539/549, 2025 K2UYH 549/569, 2025 K9SLQ 559/569, 2045 IW2FZR 539/549
and 2132 VE6TA 559/559.
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