G4CCH  EME System Information

May 2000

G4CCH 5.4 m Dish

The original design  prototyping  started in 1989 and eventually the dish was completed in May 2000.

The dish is 5.4 m diameter with and f/d of 0.5 and is fed with a full size W2IMU horn.

The reflector is stainless steel woven mesh with a hole size approx 3mm, and the profile is accurate to 3mm and could be useable up to 10 GHz.

An Az/El mount and PC running F1EHN's software with VE1ALQ's interfaces are used for tracking. A medium sized prop pitch gearbox drives the azimuth axis and a satellite jack drives the elevation axis.





  This is a shot of me with the equipment that I use for EME

The station is comprised of a Yaesu HF Transceiver which is used on 28MHz as the IF, and a 1296 MHz Transvertor & High Power TX Amplifier

All of the 1296 MHz equipment is home made and has been used since 1982... click on picture for more detail


Details of my old 2.4m dish - 1982 to 2000

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